Water and Energy efficient greenhouse for Gulf region

Food security is an important topic in the Gulf region, protected horticulture is (re)gaining high interest. However, many greenhouse pilots in this region failed to offer feasible business case because of the high energy consumption for the cooling and water supply among others. Dutch organisations made a sustainable greenhouse design

Stage of the project




Starting Up





Why was this project started?

With the ‘diversification of resources’ and ‘food security’ policies becoming high priority in the Gulf region, protected horticulture is (re)gaining high interest from governmental, knowledge and commercial organisations that notably focus on piloting greenhouses to explore their feasibility in this arid region. However, many greenhouse pilots in this region failed to offer feasible business case because of the high energy consumption for the cooling and water supply among others. Dutch organisations and companies can offer their well-known expertise to incorporate innovative and sustainable solutions in a new greenhouse prototype designed to cope more efficiently and cost-effectively with the high temperatures, water scarcity and other local challenges.

The results of the project so far

For 3 locations in the Gulf region (Riyad, Dubai, Al Ain) greenhouse technology scenario's are made and simulated using TNO's SIOM tool. The results showed that for sustainable tomato production a balance has been found between water use, electricity use for cooling and land use. The optimum depends on the local circumstances.

What are specific, distinctive, strong elements in this project?

Independent study by TNO and WUR, interaction with multiple greenhouse technology suppliers and governmental parties. The simulation tooling is implemented at the greenhouse technology suppliers. By doing this the approach has been scaled.

Which specific lessons, do's and don'ts would you like to share? What would be suggestions for others when preparing or implementing the project in their own city?

use specific usecases and form a Public Private Partnership
Create pre-competitive tooling and implement these at the companies

Have others adopted, or shown interest in adopting, your idea in their own area?

13 Greenhouse technology suppliers have the SIOM tooling and can use this for similar projects

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3. Could this project be shared to - and implemented in - your own city?
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