- A voluntary project written during COVID-19 Lockdown
- A guidebook for urban planning and design strategies for the UNESCO world heritage historic centre of Willemstad
- Builds upon the Transforming Urban Curacao project of UNOPS for which I worked on for 6 months
- Complexity, human-scale, resilient, inclusive, walkable, dense, attractive, urban
Stage of the project
Starting Up
The results of the project so far
The guidebook has just been finished and will be spread among various media platforms and my network, with the intention of sharing ideas and knowledge with urban planners on Curaçao.
What are specific, distinctive, strong elements in this project?
It is adapted to the urban context of Curaçao, with its unique but deteriorated historic inner city. 98% of Curaçao's population lives in suburbs or rural areas. There is a lack of knowledge and examples in contemporary, sustainable and human-oriented urban development in the tropical Caribbean and Latin American context. This project provides guidelines for an urban design that is adapted to local context, climate, and human complexity.
Which specific lessons, do's and don'ts would you like to share? What would be suggestions for others when preparing or implementing the project in their own city?
To make such voluntary projects, not more than passion and a belief in opportunities is needed. If you have an interest in something, then it is a good idea to search for possibilities to contribute to your interest no matter the circumstances. No matter the outcome, working on this project was very educational. Through networking, I intend to share this knowledge with local stakeholders and interested people.
In which phase are the 75 projects on this platform?