'De Vitale Moestuin is the health, sustainable project for healthcare institutions. The project realizes a complete, accessible vegetable garden including support at the home care institution. As part of the daytime activities. With vegetable garden and cooking workshops it improves the mobility of and food for the residence right outside the door!
Stage of the project
Starting Up
Why was this project started?
Easily activate, vitalise and socialize the elderly at the care institution with the aim of increasing the quality of care and thus welfare through a better and more sustainable living environment and healthier lifestyle. Research shows that allotment gardeners live longer. Healthier residents and additional activities will reduce the care pressure and burden.
The results of the project so far
One location is the (now closed) nursing home Amsta Wittenberg where the residents with physical and psychogeriatric complaints (dementia) of the 'Goudbloem' department started gardening in the courtyard. That was the last year before this location was divested and the vegetable garden moved to the 'Dr. Sarphati Huis. During the 'NL-doet' day, the Lionsclub Amsterdam ’t IJ helped tremendously with the assembly of the vegetable garden tables. At the small-scale residential facility De Beusemaecker, residents with premature dementia are working in and on a roof vegetable garden. The cash prize of the National Solitude Prize was donated here in the form of a large accessible cash register. The Vitale Moestuin is also available in Wijdemeren at Inovum in the inner garden of Veenstaete in Kortenhoef. Here, on the basis of a subsidy from the Roelsefonds and with volunteers from the neighborhood, a connection is made between (fully) independent and demented residents.
What are specific, distinctive, strong elements in this project?
The project activates, revitalizes and socializes the residents in an accessible way. The theme of the vegetable garden is ideal for a range of activities aimed at a healthier lifestyle.
Which specific lessons, do's and don'ts would you like to share? What would be suggestions for others when preparing or implementing the project in their own city?
-Responsible project and execution
-Package of requirements (safety, functionality, accessibility, water connection)
-Basic kitchen garden design
-Coordination of guidance for volunteers and FTEs
-Communication internal / external
Have others adopted, or shown interest in adopting, your idea in their own area?
Workshop for inspiration has been given at the Relaxation and Nature & Outdoors program of 'Archipel Zorggroep'.
In which phase are the 75 projects on this platform?